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A big thank you to STM and Magix for this issue's fabulous competition prizes The STM is from the same stable as our editor uses on a day to day basis. The build quality has been superb, it has to be to survive what he chucks in there, and highly recommended. Read more about the STM Nomad at their site.
The Magix software, which includes a video and audio capture dongle, is a fabulous way to drag those old memories into a digital world.
Two of you can win both of these great items and several more of you can win runner up prizes from STM and Magix.
All you have to do is answer the following question:
Which famous australian beach were STM founded near?
For a tie breaker you need to tell us what Fascinating piece of tech hasn't been invented yet but should be (it can be wacky and possibly impossibel to create as long as its a great idea).
Enter here
By entering you agree that the Judges Opinion is final. Entries must be received by end of March 2014. UK and EU Residents only*.
*Non UK Residents may enter but agree to pay shipping costs by entering.